💰Tocen Sharing Program

Projects & partners can optionally join Tocen Sharing Program to hold IDO airdrop.

What is Tocen Sharing Program? (TSP)

As Tocen focus on community and project's growth, the contribution to our users/investors is indispensable activity. Tocen Sharing Program funtions in a specific way that help projects get funded efficiently and henceforth contribute back to the investors.

For projects:

  • Tocen Sharing Program is optional.

  • Once projects resolve to join TSP, Tocen team will ask for a fraction of the funds for the sharing pool (the amount can be discussed and funds can be known as the tokens sale revenue).

  • The funds sent to the sharing pool will be tokens/coins that projects raised in the IDO/INO phase, and used to reward the most active Contributors (details below)

  • Tocen do not charge any kind of fees. Sharing pool will be wholely distributed to the communities!

For investors:

This is a new way of earning rewards by inviting your friends to join IDO/INO and support projects on Tocen. Tocen will divide users into 3 tiers that receive Dynamic NFTs based on the amount of money their friends deposited in the IDO/INO pool.

The more money your friends deposit in the IDO/INO pool, the higher tier of Dynamic NFT you obtain. This certificate is used to determine the rewards you receive once the IDO/INO ends.

Details in Dynamic NFTs Mechanism

Last updated