NFT Marketplace
Why Tocen NFT Marketplace?
Tocen was known as a community-driven Launchpad in the beginning. However, being a Launchpad never grants us such a solid community as it is now. We were aware that our mission does not halt at Launchpad, but is much more than that. That's while our documents were all overhauled. Whereas IDO Launchpad seems to be the start line, our NFT Marketplace is the nearly highest milestone that we desire to approach.
Tocen NFT Marketplace is the community-centric NFT marketplace in which permits gamers, traders, NFT-interested ones to be effortlessly immersed in blockchain space, even they are newcomers or veterans.
As onboarding on Tocen, projects and collections will have access to a devoted and active community immediately. To increase interest in the collections featured on Tocen, our team as a whole will promote user acquisition.
Community-centric means that Tocen rewards, empowers and contributes back to platform's users and projects.
Products under your finger's tips: Tocen was designed to be easy-to-use for users that brings fundamental utilities along with its development. Central to this vision, Tocen team desires to drive as many Web2 consumers to Web3 as possible.
Fee sharings & Grants: Trading fees from NFT sales will be shared with active participants. Users that execute enough transactions on Tocen will get back $TOCE tokens as incentives.
Fundings for projects: Funds that NFT projects need for the evolution will be rewarded by Tocen after due dilligence processes. Moreover, with wide networks we've got so far, we're able to refer projects to potential investors.
Respect the vibes
Tocen highly respects the vibes coming along with collections as NFT is a culture shift which mainly drives the Sui space's vibes. Even you are an egg, just behave like one, rolling around until transforming into a chick. Even who you are, we still got a place that you belong to. Tocen desires to be a massive community that contains many puzzles of smaller communities vibing in its ecosystem.
Built on contribution
This section means that Sellers/Creators/Projects have the rights to contribute to the Buyers/Marketplace as you are building on trust of those. After the mint phase, Holders and Buyers must be treadted as best as projects could. The best here are not only the money-related ones but it also can be the good performance that reflects progress according to their road map.
In contrast, buyers serve collection owners and sellers by committing capital to those projects they find the most compelling and worthy of investment. In this section, Tocen has responsibility to help investers make the most informed decisions by serving suitable filtering methods, erasing the copies of existing projects and delisting scam-involved projects.
Be "Tocen"
The Tocen, the one-of-a-kind, the alpha. Tocen exhorsts the community to be themselves no matter who you are. All of us only function as a version of ourselves. Thus, in Tocen community, we innovate rather than plagiarizing to be our best selves.
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